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For the first time in history, the majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas. 100 years ago only 2 in 10 people in the world were living in cities. According to the UN report, till 2050 about 75% population will be occupying city areas. But what about the problem of overgrowing metropolises? What about organising people from different cultures, in different age to coexist with each other?

Metaanalysis of 131 field studies allowed to extract/isolate 4 street patterns typology, that are different from each other In view of geographical location or social demography. That being said, the city structure that is possibile for everyone to quickly understand, has to be designed in a way that combines all the elements of that typology. The discussed solution would make one’s visit to a distant or simply different place much more comfortable and would reduce the stress level of adaptation to unknown structures. Inspired by nature, we would like to apply the technology based on observation of a cooperation of different microorganisms species’ joint participation. Described symbiotic work introduces a new quality in environmental resource managing, that would enable at least partial independence from the supplies of external energy. In our construction, we used bacterial cells with an ability to bind co2 wastes and form nanotube, which would become our scaffold. By nature of a biologicial foundations of this idea we could adjust construction forming ad hoc to adapt the city to changes in people’s behavior. Thanks to this resolution the city infrastructure would be dynamically changing, following the expectations of citizens. We aim at uniting the society, dissolving barriers between social groups of a higher probability of being forclousured from social life as: elder citizens, people with disabilites and special demands.,

The elderly are becoming increasingly big group and much more exacting. The ‘silver tsunami’ phenomenon is showing that in spite of most common opinions the older people are not such inactive and demand special products and events delivered with the same care as for other groups in other age ranges. The city which is characterized by the aforesaid flexibility allows the incorporation and integrity elder and often neglected (for example because of disability) with younger allowing them to feel inseparable and significant part of inhabited urban space. Another technological solution besides using special bacterias actively reacting for social initiatives is special micylium application. Its extremely practical feature is to find optimal paths to go through a specific route. The idea was based on similar mycelium implemmented in Japan where it allowed to estimate a subway line the most efficient way.


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